Restaurants within 3 kms of Kialla, Victoria

There are no dining options available within 3 kms of Kialla. The following are the nearest listings found. Note distances are as the crow flies and may not reflect actual travel distances.

Kialla is a suburb within the City of Greater Shepparton local government area in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria, Australia. At the 2016 census, Kialla and surrounding area had a population of approximately 6,800.

marker1 2.89 kms

326 Archer Street, SHEPPARTON, Victoria 3630

marker2 3.15 kms

24 Poplar Avenue, SHEPPARTON, Victoria 3630

Fast Food

marker3 2.41 kms

7719 Goulburn Valley Highway, KIALLA, Victoria 3631

Coffee shop / Tea

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