Restaurants within 3 kms of Howden, Tasmania

Listing 6 restaurants in and around Howden.

Howden, a suburb of Hobart, is a small, isolated community on the shore of North West Bay in Tasmania Australia. It is situated between the developing township of Kingston and the smaller Margate, it borders bushland and is located 21 kilometres (13 mi) south of Hobart, the capital city of Tasmania.

marker1 2.96 kms

1640 Channel Highway, MARGATE, Tasmania 7054

Coffee shop / Tea

marker2 2.84 kms

Lot 38 Gemalla Road, MARGATE, Tasmania 7054


marker3 2.50 kms

1567 Channel Highway, MARGATE, Tasmania 7054

Coffee shop / Tea

marker4 2.29 kms

77 Howden Road, HOWDEN, Tasmania 7054

marker5 2.09 kms

145 Beach Road, MARGATE, Tasmania 7054

marker6 0.08 kms

367 Brightwater Road, HOWDEN, Tasmania 7054


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