Restaurants within 3 kms of Walkerville, South Australia

There are no dining options available within 3 kms of Walkerville. The following are the nearest listings found. Note distances are as the crow flies and may not reflect actual travel distances.

Walkerville is a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. It lies just north east of the city centre, about 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) from the Adelaide GPO. Walkerville is one of South Australia's most affluent suburbs and in 2012 it was South Australia's second "top earning suburb."

marker1 12.97 kms

River Drive, TARWIN LOWER, Victoria 3956


marker2 13.09 kms

Tarwin lower Road, TARWIN LOWER, Victoria 3956

marker3 12.78 kms

49 River Drive, TARWIN LOWER, Victoria 3956

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